She has two types of laughter. One is "fake" and she uses it when she thinks we should be laughing at/with her. The other is from her belly- tickling, Ellie, and random silliness get it out of her.
In terms of "flight or fight" responses, she is FLIGHT. A sudden loud noise, and she drops what she's doing and crawls like a madwoman in the other direction, without ever looking back.
As of this weekend, she gives kisses when asked (most of the time). It is a full on, open mouth, tongue slightly out stamp on the cheek. I have never been so happy to have so much saliva on my face. We will try to get a picture of a kiss in action when she is a little more consistent!
Abigail loves books.
My pictures aren't on the computer yet, but do enjoy the video!
Abigail and Ellie
Cute, but I don't think Ellie would agree!!